6 MARCH 1841, Page 9


A public meeting was held at Glasgow on Tuesday evening, to agree to petitions to Parliament in favour of Lord Morpeth's and against Lord Stanley's Irish Registration Bills. Though the persons attending were :admitted by tickets, the Chartists contrived to gain an entrance, and -created great disturbance. Resolutions in accordance with the objects of the meeting were understood to be passed, but the uproar was so great that none of the speeches could be heard.

The Anti-Corn-law Association of Glasgow have announced a grand elemonstration to take place here in Easter week. Many members of Parliament and the leading friends of the cause in Manchester are ex- pected to attend on the occasion.—Glasgow Argus.

A Regius Professorship of Biblical Criticism has been instituted by Government in the University of Edinburgh ; which, in addition to a sa- lary, is endowed with the Deanery of the Chapel Royal. The Reverend R. S. Candlish, of St. George's Church, Edinburgh, (one of the " wild men" who figured in a caricature some months ago,) has received the appointment.

The good people of Glasgow have been duped by a "lady " swindler to a considerable amount. The lady went to that city with a Mr. Johnston, whose wife she was represented to be, and four or five chil- dren. She passed herself off as a daughter of the Earl of Lonsdale, to whom his Lordship had conveyed his whole property, of the annual rental of 100,0001. This disposal of the property, she said, had displeased her relations, and obliged her to go to Scotland, and to keep incognita. She undertook in the mean time to sell tea; and the good people to whom the title-deeds and various letters were shown, were so well per- suaded of their genuineness that they fitted up the shop, and parted with goods to the amount of 2,000/. On the day appointed on which her relation was to come and proclaim her titles, she and her family decamped, and have not since been heard of. A widow to whom the secret was developed, and with whom the presumed Earl's daugh- ter lived, has been defrauded to the amount of 2001.