6 MARCH 1852, Page 7


The Queen has granted the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Sir Edward Burtenshaw Sugden, Knight, Chancellor of Great Britain, by the title of Baron St. Leonard's, of Slaugham, in the county of Sussex.

The House of Lords met on Thursday, to transact judicial business. The new Lord Chancellor was introduced as Baron St. Leonard's, by Lords Lyndhurst and Brougham ; the Earl of Derby, the Earl of Eglinton the Bishop of Norwich, and some other Peers being present. Lord St. Leo- nard's having been installed as Speaker, the House proceeded to hear ap- peals.

The Notice-paper of the House of Commons of Friday last week emu- tains the following entry by Mr. Charles Villiers—" Resolution in favour of Free Trade, and against imposition of duty on the importation of fo- reign corn. Early day." A large body of the Liberal Members of the House of Commons have been invited to meet Lord John Russell on the 1.1th instant, with a view to some consultation and determination on the present position of public affairs.—Daily News, March 3.

The audience given by the Queen, before the levee on Wednesday, to the Earl of Derby, is understood to have been of unusually prolonged du- ration, occupying fully two hours ; and the subject ii reported to have

been the important meeting held at Manchester on the previous day, when the Anti-Corn-law League was reconstituted.—.Daily News, March 5.

The list of the new Administration has been extended and corrected. The Honourable Captain Duncombe is one of the Junior Lords of the Admiralty. Mr. John Neeld is not included in the Treasury Commis- sion published by the Gazette. The name of Lord Byron does not ap- pear in the gazetted list of her Majesty's Lords in Waiting; but the Court Circular registers his attendance in due rotation with the other Lords. If our readers value literal accuracy, they must substitute the name of Lord Polwarth for the Lord Polworth, whose existence is due to our :mis- print The Earl of Bective has been appointed State Steward of the Irish Household.

Chief Justice Blackburne, of the Irish Court of Queen's Bench, is ap- pointed Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Mr, John Wynne, of Hazlewood, one of the members of the Devon Commission, is appointed Under- Secretary for Ireland.

An announcement appeared at the end of last week, that Lord Derby had requested of Mr. Layard, in a complimentary manner, that he would retain the Under-Secretaryship of the Foreign Office until the Premier's son, Lord Stanley., shall have returned from his Indian tour. The organs of the new Government have since inserted this paragraph on the subject—" It is true that Mr. Layard was pressed by the present Ad- ministration to retain office temporarily ; but, however sensible he might be of the tribute thus paid to his character, he felt that he could not with propriety serve under the political opponents of the Government from whom he had received his appointment, and therefore declined the proffered honour."

The Gloucester Journal says that the Earl of Derby sent for Mr. Mil- lings, the solicitor, Member for Cirencester, "and in the most flattering terms, and entirely unsolicited, offered him an important office in the new Government"; but that "the honourable gentleman" respectfully declined to accept any Government office whatever, or to fetter himself in any way as an independent Member of the House of Commons.

In the debate of the Commons on the St. Alban's Disfranchisement Bill, on the 16th of last month, Mr. Roebuck emphatically disclaimed the Coppock connexion. In defence of himself from an insinuation by Lord Claude Hamilton, he is reported to have said, that he had nothing to do with Mr. Coppock in any of his elections; that Mr. Coppock would not have dared to come where he was a candidate pretending to be on his side ; that his constituents had always absolved him from his election expenses ; and that he never goes to the Reform Club. Mr. Coppock publishes in the Bun of last night a letter to prove that each of these assertions is "false?! Mr. Roebuck has been at the Reform Club at least a hundred times within the last twelve months. In 1841, he sought constant com- munication with Mr. Coppock to get returned at the then coming election. He wrote many letters, some marked "private," others not so : two of those not marked "private," but at much length showing Mr. Roebuck's position and the tactics he had to pursue at Bath to get reelected, are published by Mr. Coppock. In those letters he asked for a Government candidate to join him; and he invited Mr. Coppock to assist him per- sonally—" If you could come down yourself, (incog. mind,) much good might be done." In consequence of those letters, Lord Duncan was sent down to Bath by Mr. Coppock, as a Whig candidate, to secure Mr. Roe- buck's return by a coalition of the Radicals and Whigs. Mr. Roebuck continued his visits to Mr. Coppock, at his house in Cleveland Row; and on the 19th of June 1641, Mr. Coppock "supplied Mr. Roebuck, from a private subscription-fund, with the means to pay his election-expenses, the inability on his part to meet them having been previously stated by him." On the 29th of June Mr. Roebuck was returned for Bath in con- junction with Lord Duncan.

Result of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last—

of Ten Weeks 1841-50. Week of 1851.

gymotie Diseases

1,980 .... 208 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat

559 ....

47 Tubercular Diseases 1,778 .... 206 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Harrow, Herres, and Senses 1,250 121 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 349 53 Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 2,070 193 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 615 .. • • 60 Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, etc 102 I:

Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Jolats,&e 79 ....


Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, An.


2 Malformations 24 .... 3 Premature Birth 249 23 Atrophy 188 .... 19


844 .... 51 Sudden 127 14 Tiolence,Privation,Cold, and Intemperance 248 37

Total (Including luispeciaed eaglieS)



At the Queen's levee last week, her Majesty conferred the honour of knighthood on the Mayor of Leeds, Mr. George Goodman. Sir George Good- man has filled his present office no fewer than four times.

The new Lord Chancellor has lost no time in intimating that it is his in- tention to support the recommendation of the Commissioners for the Reform of the Court of Chancery. The Common-Law Procedure Bill will also be adopted by the Government It may be assumed, from the recent pamphlet of Sir Edward Sugden, that no further progress will be made with the regis- tration scheme. It is, however, scarcely probable that any of these measures will become laws this year.—Law Times.

Dr. Travers Twiss has been appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury Vicar-General of the province of Canterbury.

It is stated that Mr. Ramshay is about to resume practice on the Northern circuit, and at the Cumberland and Westmoreland Quarter-Sessions.

We are enabled to say that the Bishop of Exeter, on reading the pam- phlet entitled "Miss &lion and the Sisters of Mercy," expressed to that lady his decided opinion, that it is due to herself that she should make a public statement on the matters contained in that pamphlet With this intimation Miss &lion has declared her full intention of immediately corn- plying.—Morning Chroniek, Feb. 2.

We are informed that the Earl of Shrewsbury has intimated his readiness to bestow the sum of 10,0001. for the purpose of building and endowing a cathedral in the city of Chester, for the purpose of worship according to the forms mid ritual of the Roman Catholic Church. It is added that Ins Lord- ship intends to appropriate a similar sum for the same object in Shrews- hwy.—Mater Chronic*.