6 MARCH 1852, Page 8

The Leeds branch of the Anti-Corn-law League was reconstituted on

Thursday, at a monster meeting in the Circus. Mr. Cobden was the lion. The newest feature of his speech concerned his own relations to the re- presentation of the West Riding.

He explained very fully, that from the moment he was returned for this. great constituency he never purposed to remain permanently its representa- tive. He had constantly said so. "I felt that there was no necessity, un- less some great public principle were involved, why I should take upon my- self the responsibility and labour of attending to the private business of so vast a constituency. I therefore intimated to my friends, that at another election I should retire from the West Riding, and that when I took leave of you I had hoped that my old friends in Stockport would have for- given me for allowing you to force me with a strong hand from them, and that I might again represent them in the Legislature. Not a month ago, I saw some of our friends in reference to this subject • and I gave them a final anawer, that unless something arose to make this Free-trade question the prominent and deciding question, I should adhere to that determination which I have already tonight expressed, that, whilst I deeply acknowledge the confidence placed in me by this great community, and which I shall ever treasure all my life, I should make my bow to the West Riding of Yorkshire as its representative in Parliament. (Loud shouts of "No, no I") Well, gen- tlemen, within a fortnight of that time I found a Protectionist Government in power. That has greatly changed the state of things, and altered the whole aspect of affairs under which I spoke when I explained my intentions to your friends in London. ..(Losal cheers.) I then said, that as we had men in power pledged to monopoly in trade, I would, if you would allow me the privilege—I would come down to the West Riding, throw down my gauntlet here, and challenge the monopolists of the kingdom to put forth all their strength. (Vehement cheering.) For, gentlemen, having been prominently connected with the cause of Free-trade, I felt that this, being the largest constituency—the largest county in extent, the most varied in its interests, the most influential in its character, and one of the most populous and wealthy in the kingdom—I felt this was the proper standing-ground for me- (" Hear, hear ! " and applause)—that if I had but the support of the electors- of the county of York, this was the spot of all others where I should like to met them. There is, undoubtedly, a fitness in selecting as the exponent and impersonation of a great pruiciple an individual who has been pro- minently connected and identified with the advocacy of that principle. In Yorkshire, in bygone times, you selected a Wilberforce to demonstrate to the world your hatred of slavery ; you chose a Brougham as a means of giv- ing, the strongest demonstration of your.adhesion to Parliamentary Reform ; and, though it would be vanity in me to class myself with those illustrious names, yet so long as there is the principle, and so long as there is a political arena in this country upon which to fight the question with which my name has been so long and so prominently connected—that of Free-trade—I place myself unreservedly at the disposal of the largest constituency in this king- dom, in order that they may, through my representations, giv:e what I con- ceive to be a fitting expression to that opinion."

The League fund hut last night received the addition of two subscrip- tions of 10001., six of 5001., one of 3001., one of 2501., and two of 2001. 'The total had risen to 36,0001.

There is no foundation for a rumour that it is the intention of Sir John Hope to retire from the representation of the county of Edinburgh, in order to make room for the new Lord-Advocate.—Editiburgh Evening Courant.

Her Majesty left Buckingham Palace this morning, at ten o'clock, for Osborne House.

A Cabinet Council was held to day at the Foreign Office, at three o' clock.

We understand that the Earl of Westmoreland, our Ambassador at Vienna; Lord Bloomfield, Minister at Berlin, where his Lordship has just arrived; and Lord Cowley, Minister to the French Republic, are to retain their respective missions to the courts to which they are at present accredited.—Standard.