6 MARCH 1858, Page 12



The upward tendency of the Consol Market, which has been recorded for some time past, has received a decided check from the Ministerial crisis; and although large investments continue to be made, the sales have prepon- derated to a considerable extent, and the tendency of the market, notwith- standing the daily purchases by the R-ink Broker, is still downward. The Bank bullion and reserve continue to accumulate; but, after a rather pro- tracted sitting yesterday, the Directors made no alteration in the minimum rate of discount: it is thought, however, that a further reduction must shortly be made. In the mean time, money ranges in the Stock Exchange at from 1 to 2 per cent, with a tendency in the market to still greater ease, although the demand for gold for the Continent is greatly on the increase. This has been settling-week in Consols, and most of the transactions have been in connexion with it. There is considerable heaviness in all English Securities today. Consols close for the April Account at 961. Reduced and New Three per Cents, shut. Bank Stock, 226 227. Exchequer Bills, 38 42. It was notified yesterday, that advances will be made on Government Se- ourities during the shutting of the transfer-books, till the 14th April, at 3 per cent. The Foreign Market has for the last few days been- dull and heavy ; transactions limited, and prices almostnominal inmost descriptions of stock. Turkish Six per Cents, which were last week at 103f, are now only 1011, with a dull market. Mexican closes at 20 201 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 80 81; Ditto Three per Cents, 56 57. Buenos Ayres has not been so well supported ; the quotation is today 80 82, and the Deferred 17 19. Venezuela Active, 33 35. Grenada Active, 20 21 ; Ditto Deferred, 5/ 6+. There has been rather more inquiry for the Victor Emmanuel Mortgage Loan, at about 2 discount ; an absurdly low price compared with that of Stocks of the same character. The speculation which set in at the begin- ning of the year seems altogether to have subsided, and there is now very little but the legitimate business doing, which in this market is nearly always of a very trifling character. In the Railway. Share Market, a considerable fall has taken place in nearly all the principal lines. Business has by no means been extensive, but the generally bad traffic-reports have had the effect of causing a fall of more than 2 per cent in some instances. Great Western has declined lf, Leeds 2, and London and North-Western as much as 3 per cent, owing to the competition going on between this company and the Great Northern. Cale- donian and London and Brighton Shares are likewise 11. lower; South- Eastern have receded about tper share, closing at 21f 4. North Stafford, 32 31 discount. Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 391 391. The markets, after being very flat during the day, close somewhat firm ; but there is still an absence of sound busineaa. Midland Stock leaves off at 94,1 954; Lon- don and North-Western, 964 974; Great Western, 591 60. French Shares are dull and drooping : Northern of France, 371 38; Paris and Strasbourg, 271 ; Paris and Lyons have fallen about 1 per cent this week.

Indian Shares are stationary, with little doing. East Indian, 110 111; Great Indian Peninsula, 211 22; Madras 20/., 21 21i.


This week's Bank return of the stock of bullion shows a decrease of 5968/. The English Funds are heavy this morning at a decline of nearly per cent upon yesterday's last quotations : Consols 961 961. With the ex- ception of a few speculative sales, business up to the present moment is altogether unimportant. Foreign Stocks are without change. Railway Shares are dull at a shade lower valuations.


There has been a complete absence of business throughout the Stock Ex- change ; quotations are entirely without change : the last transactions are as follows—Caledonian, 944; Eastern Counties, 594; Great Northern, 101+; Great Western, 594; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 911; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1071; London and North-Western, 961 ; .Lon- don and South-Western, 931; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 394; Midland, 981 ; North Iritish, 521; North-Eastern—Berwick, 95; Ditto York, 781 ; North Staffordshire, 134 ; South Devon, 361 ; South- Eastern, 711. Joint Stock Banks—Bank of Egypt, 231; Ottoman Bank, 18/ ; South Australia, 31. Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 254; Eastern Steam, 5; Peel River Land and Mineral, 21.

3 per Cent Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents NI I shut shut Long Annuities shut

Bank Stock

225 227 Exchequer Bills 38 42 India Stock 222 224 Austrian 5 per Cents 90 93 Brazilian 5 per Cents 102 104 Belgian 41 per Cents 98 100 Chilian 6 per Cents 105 107 Danish 5 per Cents.,.. 100 102 ex div.

Danish 3 per Cents 83 85 Dutch 26 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents

Mexican 3 per Cents

Peruvian 46 per Cents ... 82 651 661 1001 11 20 201 82 ex div.

Ditto 3 per Cent 55 57 Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853. 456 461 Russian 5.per Cents. .. 108 110 ex thy.

Ditto 41 per Cents 99 100

Spanish 3 per cents 441

Ditto Deferred 26 266 Sardinian 5 per Cents 91 93 Swedish 4 per Cents to 83 Turkish 6 per Cents

Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed

1031 41


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. Si, for the week ending on Wednesday the 3d day of March 1858.

Ili.* Di? LIMN iNT.

Notes issued £81,250,315 Government Debt Other Securities Gold Coin and Bullion Silver Bullion £11,015,150

3,459,900 15,785,815

£31,260,315 831,260,315


PETGeretOSS Capital

3,883,532 £14,953,000 Government Securities (Lucia- ding Dead Weight Annuity). £9,902,450 Public Deposit.' 5,193,108 Other Securities 17,306,470 Other Deposits 14,726,001 Notes 11,218,923 SeVen Days and Other Bills., , 901,772 Gold and Sliver Coin 831,968 £39,137,513 £39,257,513 • Including Exchequer, Saying-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.

Some shareholders of the Unity Bank called a meeting of the proprietors on Thursday, at the London Tavern, apparently to agitate for closing the concern : the Directors and officers of the bank were not to be admitted. , Some of the requisitionists did not appear, two who did appear explained that they had acted in error in allowing their names to be used. A large number of shareholders would not sign their names on entering the room ; it was attempted to exclude thorn; eventually they effected an entrance by force. The upshot of the meeting was a vote of sensure on the requisition- ists, and another of confidence in the Directors.

At the meeting of the Railway .Passengers Assurance Company, on Wed- nesday, it was stated that the income during 1857 was 16,9316., against 12,0001. in 1856. A dividend at the rate of 4 per cent per annum for the last six months was declared. Since the formation of the Company, 29,5611. has been paid in compensations to persons who have suffered by accidents, and to the relatives of twenty-eight policy-holders who have been killed.

The Submarine Telegraph Company have declared a dividend at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. The number of messages last year was 84,795, against 68,952 in 1856. Mr. Lightly Simpson succeeded the Honourable Mr. Cadogan as a Director.

At a meeting of the General Iron Screw Collier Company, on Saturday, it was unanimously resolved to wind-up the company. It is expected that the greater part of the subscribed capital will be realized for distribution.

At the meeting of the proprietors of that splendid mistake the Thames Tunnel, on Tuesday, it was announced that the receipts for the past year amounted to a sum sufficient only to pay the expenses incurred during the year and 1117/. off the debt due to the Loan Commissioners.