6 MARCH 1886, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I point out that the reviewer of Mr. Miuchin's translation of the Divina Corn media into terza rinza is mistaken in supposing his attempt to be unique ? Besides the "one German experiment,"—presumably the well-known version of Karl Bartsch—there are at least two others in that language ; while in English there are no less than four, the best known being that of Cayley, which is, perhaps, the most scholarly and poetical of all Foolish translations of Dante. In addition to these, there are Spanish and Catalan translations in terza rinza of the whole poem, and one of the Inferno, in old French, by Littre, an achievement which I believe to be absolutely unique. —I am, Sir, &e,