6 MARCH 1886, Page 15



SIR,—In your excellent and timely article on Lord Aberdeen you speak of him as a Presbyterian. Is not a little miscon- ception likely to arise from this, for his Excellency, though, like the Queen, a Presbyterian in Scotland, is also a communi- cant of the Church of England, in which Church he was, I believe, baptised and confirmed ? It is characteristic of the large-hearted, catholic spirit of Lord Aberdeen that he should alike esteem and attend the ministry of the Church of Scotland in that country, and of the Church of England or of Ireland in those countries. Would that there were more men like this in exalted positions, who would, make it their earnest effort to discern and exhibit the unity of the Spirit and the diversity of its manifesta- tion. I may perhaps be allowed to add that though Lord and Lady Aberdeen have been but a short time in Ireland, they are fast winning the respect and affection of every section of society, and of the Nationalists no less than the Loyalists. No

happier appointment could have been made, and the tact which his Excellency has already shown in his replies to the deputa- tions which have waited on him fully confirms all that you have said in your article.—I am, Sir, BT., B.