6 MARCH 1915, Page 13

[TO Tan EDITOR OF Tan "ElPFCTATOU.") SIR,—" Expectans " will

find the "simplified religion" he wants in the Church of England, if he will look not on the outward appearance but on the heart. The only religions principles which deserve and justify the title "Catholic" are those principles into possession of which Christ put ordinary men—the common people: leaving the expression and appli- cation of those principles to sanctified common-sense. The only justification, on the other hand, of the title "Protestant " is that all men whose common-sense is sanctified will for eves protest against all that makes a lie—which evades the mind and spirit of Him who was the Truth and therefore given to be the head of the Church. "Simplified religion" is most variably expressed, but most simply in Baptism and the Supper of the Lord—from Heaven and not from men.—I am,