6 MARCH 1915, Page 14


[To Tee R.owon OF THE "SPROTATOR:1 SIB,—III your issue of the 27th ult. you give many pleasing examples of bird-sentinels in war times. You omit, however, the historic case mentioned in Michelet's history of the old French inhabitant of Russia who sought an interview with Napoleon in Moscow and warned him that he had remarked that that year the swallows had gathered and left for the South much earlier than was their wont, and that this presaged a much earlier winter and of greater severity than usual. Napoleon paid no attention to this admonition of -the swallows. Had he done soo-a different fate might have befallen him and La Grande Armee.—I am, Sir, &e.,

20 Cavendish Street, Ulverston. IL. O'NErth, PEARSON.