6 MARCH 1915, Page 3

Last Sunday Mr. Lloyd George made one of the best

speeches of his life at Bangor. The urgency and solemnity with which be spoke about the labour troubles that were retarding the output of war materials were emphasized rather than diminished by the fact that he spoke on Sunday. " Those," be said, "who tell me that this [the armaments in- dustry', is not a work of necessity do not know the need, the dire need, of their country at this hour. At this moment there are Welshmen in the trenches of France facing cannon and death; the hammering of forges to-day is ringing down the church bells from one end of Europe to the other." Mr. Lloyd George said that he could explain the frivolous careless- ness of some people in Britain only by the fact that the Navy prevented them from recognizing the tremendous gravity of the struggle. Though our victory was certain, he believed personally that the war would be long. The end was certain because our cause was just. The most thrilling service he had ever attended was a service of soldiers who had leaped to arms from every walk of life to fight for truth and right.