The Times of Wednesday publishes a letter signed by Sir
H. Rider Haggard, Mr. Rudyard Kipling, Lord Sydenham, and others announcing the formation of a " Liberty League." The object of this League is to " combat the advance of Bol- shevism in the United Kingdom and throughout the Empire." Bolshevism is used in the wide sense of the word to cover every attempt to deprive the individual of his freedom as a member of a constitutionally democratic country. The League will try to expose and fight every effort to set up the tyranny of a minority over a majority. We wish it every kind of success and the full membership it desires. On Thursday the Times also published a letter from Mr. Edward Price Bell, the well-known American correspondent, who points out the obvious corre- spondence between the Liberty League and the American Legion, about which something has been said in the Spectator.