6 MARCH 1959, Page 19

SIR,—Last week Taper commented on Christopher Mayhew's admirable Bill designed

to relegate ad- vertisement 'plugs' to the spaces between programmes on commercial television. He also mentioned my short intervention which followed and which con- tained a reference to advertisements for Fabulous Pink Camay.

Camay is manufactured by Messrs. Thomas Hedley, and Messrs. Lambe and Robinson, Benton and Bowles have the advertising account. Messrs. Hedley, who deny that their soap gives people der- matitis, have now invited me to visit their research establishments in Newcastle. As I am neither a chemist nor a specialist in soap manufacturing pro- cesses, I propose to decline this invitation, but to ask Messrs. Hedley to accept an impartial investi- gation of Camay soap and of my allegations by an independent consumer organisation.—Yours House of Commons, SW I FRANCIS NOEL-BAKER