6 MARCH 2004, Page 79

Q. I have three children aged seven, nine and five.

What do I serve at their birthday parties now that all the old favourites — sausages, cakes, hamburgers, chicken nuggets and fizzy drinks — have been demonised? I know for a fact that some mothers at our children's prep school refused a recent invitation to a house where the parents were known to take a nononsense attitude to 'faddy foods' and serve the full toxic worts. A friend who served parsley sandwiches in Terence Stamp wheat-free bread followed by sheep's yogurt with organic maple syrup found there were no takers.

AA., London W11 A. You cannot go wrong with Prince of Wales Royal Duchy products — his sausages are free-range and organic, his biscuits free of hydrogenated vegetable oils. Leave the Duchy packaging lying around to impress the parents at pick-up time.