6 MAY 1843, Page 11


ARRIVED—At Gravesend, ath April, I'm. Bayley, Tyack. from the Cape; 4th Childe Harold, Willis, from Bombay; and Northumberland, Warner, from Calcutta. In the Downs. 29th April, Christian Huggans, from Batasia, Off Crookhaven. 3d May, William Wallis, Langstaff, from Bombay. At Kingstown, 2,1 Ditto, Anne, John- son, from Mauritius.

SAILED—From Gravesend, 21 May, Anna Maria, West, for Hong Kong; 3d, Lark- ins, Hibbert, for Calcutta; 41h, Emily. Greases, for Madras. From Liverpool, 30th April, Herculean, Gibson, for itoutbay ; let May, Julm Dogdale, Milward; and Malcolm, Simon, fur Singapore; 2d. John Horton. Cunningham ; and Joint Chris- tian. Withycumbe, for China ; Minstrel, Burton ; and Princess Smut. boodles% for

Calcutta; 34, Circassian. ; and Mary Studilart, Sparks, for Bombay. From Greenock, 29th April. Fortitude, Ilutton, for Singapore.


ARRNED—In the Downs, Agincourt, Walker, from Calcutta. Off Portsmouth, Southampton. Bowen, from Ditto; aud off Falmouth, Owen Glendower. Toiler, from Ditto.