6 MAY 1893, Page 17


[To TUE EDITOR or THE " SPEOTATOR."] SIR,—A short time since, you published some correspondence on the pronunciation of surnames, such as Derby, Berkeley, &c., and if I am correct, it was said that the name of 'Verney had never, like the others, been pronounced as if written with an "a." In the first volume of the "Memorials of the 'Verney Family," I find in a letter, p. 245: "I thinke you wite Mr. -Varney, for your affecynat inquirie of him ; " and on the same page the name " Jermyn " spelled " Garmen," showing the "e" was pronounced "a." Again, on p. 256: "And desier Mrs. Varney, i pray you, to chuse me out some ribinge to make stringes."—I am, Sir, &c,, SALT.