6 MAY 1916, Page 11


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPROTATOR.1 Sm,—The nation has been appealed to on two occasions by the Board of Trade to reduce the consumption of meat " with a view to econo- mizing the national supplies, diminishing the demands upon shipping, and avoiding a further advance in price." It has also been strongly urged that the nation should reduce its consumption of alcohol. We therefore venture to suggest that an appeal be made that all citizens should—for the duration of the war—resolve (unless under medical orders to the contrary) to forgo the use of meat and of alcohol for at least one day every week ; e.g.. of meat every Thursday and to abstain from the consumption of alcohol every Monday. It is true that fish is dear at present, but there are plenty of other foods on which energy can easily be sustained for the space of a day. Such an act of personal self-denial would help to bring home to all of u.s the need for rigorous self-sacrifice by which alone the requirements of our country for the war can be met, and the saving in money would be considerable. In view of the great sacrifices freely made by our sailors and soldiers we feel sure that all who remain at home will willingly help the country in this way, and we ask with confidence for the support of you and your reader; in making this observance general throughout the country. —We are, Sir, ho., A. F. LONDON, H. It. BIRMINGHAM, HANDLEY DURHAM, ARNOLD BENNETT, LAUDER BRUNTON (M.D., F.R.S.), It. J. CAMPBELL, WILL CROOKS, A. W. GAXAGE, CECIL HARMSWORTH, W. JORSON HORNE (M.D., B.C.Cantab.), ROBERT F. HORTON, H. BUCKLAND .TONES (M.B.), HEDLEY F. LE Bea, R. MURRAY LESLIE (M.D., M.R.C.P.), ERNEST McKenna, C. W. SALESBY (M.D., F.R.S.Edin.), CLEMENT SHORTER, J. ALFRED SPENDER, FREDERICK SPICER (M.D., F.R.C.S.Ire.), THOMAS SPURGEON, C. J. STEWART, J. ST. LOB STRACHEY, H. G. WELLS.