6 MAY 1916, Page 18

BOOKS OF REFERENCE. — The Foreign Office List, 1916. (Harrison and Sons.

10s. 6d. net.)—Here are recorded, as usual, particulars of the men and stations under control of the Foreign Office in London and in the Diplomatic and Consular Services abroad, with the Naval and Military Attaches. There are maps and records of service. The special Departments that have been .opened and staffed since the war began include a War Department, Parliamentary, Contraband, Prisoners and Aliens, Prize Court, News, and Foreign Trade Departments.— The India Office List, 1916 (same publishers, 128. 6d. net), gives full particulars of the India Office and the Civil and Military Services in India, the British and native administration, and the poor relics of the Indian Marine. It seems better indexed than The Foreign Office List.