6 MAY 1922, Page 2

'Everything at-Genoa seems to depend upon• the possibility of drafting

concerted terms for offering to Russia. At-present the outlook is not good. France and,Belgium have-both:refused

to agree to the draft so far considered. Even if agreement were reached, Russia might remain in her very difficult mood. But we will take the events of the past week-in-order. On Thursday, April-27th, Mr. Lloyd George spoke to the British and American journalists at a dinner. He drew an exceedingly sombre picture of !the future of Europa ,if the Genoa Conference should fail. In his judgment the Conference was " the most important ever held in Europe." Whether it succeeded or failed it would have a lasting effect. The issues were so important that how- ever long the Conferenoe lasted the time would not be mis- spent. Ile recalled haw it was _hoped that the Washington

Conference would not last much more than a• month, yakit lasted three months • " You. have. practically. the whole frontiers of .Eastern Europe unsettled. There is hardly .0 line there which is accepted by Europe as a .whole. That is the Dreamt , position from tho ',Baltic down -to the- Black -Bea. There -is hardly . a line which is not contested,-and every one of those lines involves in itself -the possibility of a terrible coaict in Europe."