6 MAY 1938, Page 3

Holidays with Pay That social progress should be achieved along

voluntary rather than statutory lines—a basic principle of British social policy—is, in general, desirable both on economic and democratic grounds. But it is doubtful wisdom on the part of the Amulree Committee, which, having unani- mously agreed on the desirability of paid holidays for all insured workers, yet believe that two, or more probably three, years should elapse before the recommendations which it makes to this end are legally enforced. The workers in the great majority of European countries have long enjoyed holidays with pay as a legal right. The practice is therefore no original step demanding lengthy experimenta- tion, and though employers no doubt require a certain period in Which to adjust their organisation- to the new conditions, it can hardly be believed that as much as three years is net:. essary. It is also disappointing that the Com- mittee do taot advise that younger employed people should receive a larger annual paid holiday than the six working days suggested for adults. In spite of these two specific criticisms the report is an able and comprehensive piece of work to which the Government must give serious attention.