6 NOVEMBER 1847, Page 9



The market has assumed a much more healthy tone during the week ; and the feeling of confidence to which we alluded in our last notice has been rather in- creased. The influx of bullion has been very considerable; though it is generally understood that the Bank return of tomorrow will not exhibit any large increase under this head, in consequence of the demands occasioned by the necessity of supplying the country circulation, which has been annihilated by the failure of some of the local banks. It is, however, an undeniable fact, that the arrivals of gold from the Continent during the last and present week have been extensive. It has been reported that a large sum of bullion is on its way from St. Petersburg. It appears that the only insurances as yet effected at Lloyd's have been to the extent of about 30,0001.; and that the Rob Roy, the vessel by which the shipment will be made, can hardly be expected to bring more than 50,0001. The amount of insurance effected is a very good criterion of the probable amount that may ar• rive: a small proportion of the risk would perhaps be taken at St. Petersburg, but it is probable that from two-thirds to three-fourths of the whole could for the want of facilities elsewhere be only effected in London. The navigation may be expected speedily to close; and though bullion might easily be despatched from Russia via Hamburg, or even vie Frankfort and the Rhine, the expense and risk would be so much increased as to prevent any extenbive operations from being un- dertaken. The supply of bullion from Bessie, therefore, during the winter will probably be unimportant.

Money is more abundant in the Stock Exchange; the rate for loans upon the security of English Stock having on Tuesday and yesterday fallen to from 5 to 6 per cent. The rate upon Exchequer Bills still continues at 7 per cent. The Bank rate of discount may be stated at from 8 to 10 per cent.

The Funds have been in a state of great activity; the upward impulse given to the market on Saturday having, with some fluctuations, continued up to this day, when the price of Consols for Account reached 833, being an advance of 2 per cent upon the closing quotation of last week. A decline commenced from that point; and although the market received a temporary support from a purchnse of 150,0001., said to have been on account of the Scotch Banks, the downward move- ment continued till the price reached 82A; and after some upward fluctuation, the closing quotation may be stated as 83A A. India Stock has advanced to 230; and Bank Stock to 184 186. The discount upon Exchequer Bills has been as high as 12s., and is last marked today at 17s.

The Foreign Market evinces a slight degree of firmness; the Dividend-paying Stocks having been in trifling demand at rather better prices,—though the busi- ness transacted has not been of importance. The tone adopted by the agents of the Mexican Government in their correspondence on the subject of the division of the recent remittances from that country among the Bondholders, has produced. an unfavourable effect mien the price of Mexican Stock: but few transactions have occurred, and the nominal quotation at the close of business today was 15A to 16.

The Share Market exhibits in some of the more important varieties a very con- siderable improvement. The advance in the Great Western has been to the ex- tent of 101,- in the North-western and Midland, only from 2/. to 41. The rise in the Great Western may be attributed to the publication of a statement of the accruing liabilities of the line, which proves that the notions previously entertained of its financial condition were erroneous. The amount of loans contracted by the Company are stated at 5,108,5921., of which it was believed that a large portion would arrive at maturity in 1848 and 1849; and to the impression that prevailed of difficulty in raising such a large amount may be referred the recent dispropor- tionate decline of the shares. By an official statement furnished by the Secretary of the Company to the Railway Commissioners, it appears that the total amount of loan and debenture debt, in April last, was 4,137,9001.: of which 412,2101., in anticipation of calls, will arrive at maturity in 1848, 1819, and 1850; and will be met by calls upon the various descriptions of shares issued by the Company. The amount of loans and debentures falling due in the three years referred to is 1,100,828/.; of which 421,2001. will arrive at maturity in 1848, 301,9501. in 1849, and 11,7601. in 1850. It thus appears, that the pressure upon the Company is not so great as was generally believed: hence the improvement of the shares. The minor varieties of Shares exhibit but slight indication of improvement; to- day's prices being but little in advance of those of last week.The French Funds have advanced materially, in consequence of the subscription-lists for the new loan being filled. The French Shares are also much firmer; Paris and Lyons, which were for a long time at 5 discount, having risen to about 3i discount. Northern of France are also higher than last week. The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 30th October calla when compered with those of the preceding week the following results—

Last week.

8,312,691 20,318,175 SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The satisfactory nature of Bank accounts (more especially the bullion return, which exhibits an increase, for the first time for many months) gave an impulse to the Stock Market. The opening price of Consols for Money was 83*, and for Account 831 : prices have since receded 1 per cent, without any business of im- portance. The Foreign Funds are at yesterday's prices, scarcely a single trans- action having taken place. The few bargains in Railway Shares are also indicative of a downward reaction: we can at present only quote the following: Caledonian, 35/ 5; Eastern Counties, 16*; East Lancashire, 15; Great Western, Half-shares, 60; Ditto, Quarter shares, 161; Ditto, Fifth-shares, 234 i Ditto, New, 171., 71; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, Half-shares, 321; Ditto, Thirds, Registered, 6; South- western, 54/ ; Midland, 108; Ditto, 401. Shares, 40; North British, 25*; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 4; Scottish Central, 221 ; South-eastern and Dover, 271 1; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 32; York and North Midland, 74. SATURDAY, Two o'czocx.

- The English Funds close at an advance of 1 per cent upon the lowest quo- tations of the day: Consols for Account have been 83/, and close at 83* 1. We cannot notice any large transaction, the improvement being chiefly occasioned by a general disposition among the jobbers to buy Stock. Bank Stock is improving, having been done at 187; and India Stock is again quoted at 230. India Bonds are marked at 30 discount. Exchequer Bills, after fluctuating between 17 and 12 discount, are last marked at 15. In the Foreign Market, the business has been of more general character than it has for some time been, though not large. An im- provement may be remarked in some of the better class of Dividend-paying Stocks. The following actual bargains have been transacted since the morning—Mexican, 15/ 6 6; Old Porte, 76; Porte Four per Cents, 20/ ; Russian Five per Cents, 1041; Spanish Active' 161; Ditto, Three per Cents for Money, 261; Ditto, for Account, 264; Venezuela, 341; Belgian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 881; Dutch Four per Cents, 811 / 2. A bargain has also occurred in French Five per Cent Rentes, at 1151 5, exchange 25 80. Some of the more important class of Railway Shares are rather in advance of our morning's quotations ; but the general aspect of the market is still heavy. The following are the principal bargains since our previous report: Bristol and Exeter, 60; Eastern Counties, 16; East Lancashire, 15 141 1; Great Western, 99 101; London and Blackwell, 5; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 401 1 1 *; London and North-western, 152 1; Ditto, 401. Shares, id. and B., 59; Manchester and Leeds, 748; Midland, 108 98*; North British, 25; North Staffordshire, 7* 7; Scottish Central, 22; South-eastern and Dover, 28; York and North Midland, 73 5; Boulogne and Amiens, 14; Dutch-Rhenish, 25; North- ern of France, 111; Orleans and Bordeaux, 41; Paris and Strasbourg, 44 4; Sambre and Meuse, 51 41 5/; Tours and Nantes, 21.

3 per Cent Consols 831 4 Danish 3 per Cents 79 81 Ditto for Account 834 1 Dutch 21 per Cents 53 4 3 per Cent Reduced 824 * Ditto 4 per Cents. 81 2 31 per Cents 831 4 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 151 16 Long Annuities 8 4 New Grenada Bank Stock 185 7 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 201 14

Exchequer Bills 17 10 die. Peruvian..

India Stock 230 Russian 5 per Cents 104 6 Brazilian 5 per Cents 75 7 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 161 Belgian 44 per Cents 871 91 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 261 7 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... — Venezuela 32 5

Chillan 6 per Cents 847






Public Deposits

£70,362 Other Deposits 330,933

Seven-day and other Bills

15,687 Government Securities, including Dead-weight 286,100

Other Securities 942,769

Notes unissued


Actual Circulation



Notes issued 144,045 Bullion 126,183

Thit week.

Total Bullion in both Departments 8,438,874 Actual Circulation 20,832,750