6 NOVEMBER 1852, Page 19


BRITISH FUNDS. (Mooing Prices.)

&Kurd. Xotallsy.2tHadsy. Wadawa. 17uars. Friday,

per Cent Comets

Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent

Exchequer Bills, lid. per diem

India Bonds 3 per Cent


103 22.31

275 at

78 pm.

1001 1001 1001 100$ 199/ 001 100 :1001 16901

99 091 9E

1031 1031 103$ 1031 6 6 6 =4,1/1 2241 2241 2231

— — 274 274$

77 75 76 77 87 pm. 87 85 se


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) DBeitto 6 p. Ct. 83$ Massachusetts (Sterling)...5 p. Ct.


Ditto - 'Seed. lawdmiexicanppi 4$ 3 -

8 - 107 Brazilian 56 -- Buenos Ayres 6 - 101i New York

811 Ohio 6 - al

Chili= 8 • Pennsylvania 5 -

Danish lost Ditto - 105$ rPeorurniv:trin. Ditto 5 6 -


French 56$ li.i.Dirto

Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) -21 - 3 - Ditto 118$

4 6

41 - 11)4L 75C. 4$ 105$

3 - — Ditto

Ditto Sardinian. 5 98 Indiana 4 - — Spanish 3 - 61; Illinois 6 -- — Ditto New Deferred it - 25$


Louisiana (Sterling) 6 - — Ditto (Passive) Maryland (Sterling) 5 - 08 Venezuela 31 Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Rest 3,100,802 Public Deposits. 4,661,600 Other Deposits 12,801,729 Seven Day and otherBills 1,471,650 £36,591,781 £36,591,781 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt. & Dividend Acct..

BULLION. Per oz.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ....£3 17 9 Foreign Goldin Coin,rortugalPieces 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 111 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5 11 METALS. Pee ton,

Copper, British Cakes£102 10 0 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Bars..... 7 15 0 .. 8 5 0 Lead, British Pig 10 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Steel, Swedish Keg 16 0 0 0 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, Nov. 5.

Wheat,R.New 92 to 36

Rye 20t033 Maple 84 to 35 Oats, Feed .. 18 to 19 Fine 86 -42 Barley 24 -28 White 49 -41 Flue .. 19-20 Old 88-92 Malting 52-34 Boilers ... 41 -43 Poland 20-21 White 40 -42 Malt, Ord... 54-58 Beans, Ticks. 33-34 Fine 21-22 Pine 92 -50 Fine 58-62 Old 98-38 Potato ..., 24-25 Super. New. 44-50 Peas, Hog .. 31-33 Indian Corn. 28 -30 Pine ., 25 -24



(Last Official quotation during the Beltways--

Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London, Brighton, & South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western Midland North British Scottish Central.

South-eastern and Dover South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick

York and North Midland Deese-

East and West India London

St. Katherine

Week ending Friday Evening.) BANIM-

A.ustralasian British North American Colonial Commercial of London London and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London


Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Bey) Cobre Copper

Nouveau Monde ......... JIrsestrizerrotra-

Australian Agricultural


General Steam Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam South Australian

571 701 12/ 83 50$ 98 114 87$ 87 105}

1241 78 371 91 79 94 701 54 168



An Account, pursuant to the Ac 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 82, for the week ending on Saturday, the 30th day of Oct. 1855. NOMA DSPAATI.N

Notes issued £34,767,270 Government Debt £11,015,100

Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 20,748,111 Silver Bullion 19,154

£34,707,270 BAN/LIND DETAITXINT. £34,767,270

el as

341 20


6 2:1


ta 35 so

28§ 871 794 268 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN.

Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat... 38. 91 Rye los. 53.

Barley.... 28 0 Beans 34 1 Oats 17 8 Peas 30 5 WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending Oct. 30. Wheat .... 39s. 24. Rye 28,. 04, Barley 29 6 Beans 84 7 Oats 17 6 Peas 31 6 FLOUR.

Town made per sack 43a. to 46s.

Seconds 40 - 43 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 37 - 40 Norfolk and Stockton 34 37 American per barrel 18 23 Canadian 18 23

Bread, 6d. to 7$d. the 41b loaf.


Butter-Best Fresh, 12s. per doz. Carlow, 41. Os. to 41. 4s. per ewt.

Bacon, Irish per ewe 47s. to 44.1.

Cheese, Cheshire 42 - 88 Derby Plain 48 - 68 Hams, York 70 - 50 Eggs, French, per 120, ts. 3d. to 6s. 01.


Newest. AND LIADINELLIA• Serrnsizin.•

s. d. r. d. s. 4. e. d. a. d. s. d.

Beef .. 2 6 to 3 0 to 3 2 .... 2 2 to 3 8 to 3 10 Mutton 3 0 - 3 4 - 3 8 .... 3 6 - 4 0 - 4 6 Veal 2 8 - 3 - 3 10 .... 2 6 - 3 8 - 4 0

Pork.. 3 0 - 3 8 - 4 4 .... 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 4 Lamb .. 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 .... 0 0-0 0 - 0 0

• To sink the offal, per 81b. Hun or Cs rrts


Beasts 953

Sheep . 3,800

Calves . 238

Pigs ... 530

AT Monday.

4,812 25,050 164


HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 86 Trusses.) Caussatassn. SMITHS' IDIN. Warr severer.,

78s. to 136. 720. to 76s. 681. to 75 r.

60 - 74 60 - 66 50 - 63

o o 0- 0 0 - o

95 -100 80 - 95 84 - 94 28 34 24 - 26 20 - 24 Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw Government Securllies (in- cluding Dead'WeightAnnnity) £13,950,375 Other Securities 11,296,193 Notes 10,951,215 Gold and Silver Coin 390,998 Kent Pockets Choice ditto Sussex ditto Farnham ditto WOOL.

80t. to 90s. Down and half-bred Hogs per lb. 154. to 1514 90 -130 Wether and Ewe ......... ....... 13 - 161 74 - 80 Leicester Hogget and Wether.... 12 - 0

0 - 0 Fine Combing 10$ - 111


nape Oil per cwt. £1 13

Refined 1 15

Linseed Oil 1 fr Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 12 0 Po ,NDP$ , per dozen, 41.94.

Moulds (6d. per doz. discount) 5s. 9d. Coals, Helton lits. 3d.

Tees 18s. 8d.


O Tea, Sonchong, flne,per lb.. Os. 51. to Is. 9d.

O Congoa,One 1 4- 1 7 6 Pekoe, flowery 1 3- 4 0 0 • In Bond-Duty It ld. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt. Sts. to 95s. ed. Good Ordinary 42 - 48s. Od.

Sugar, Muscovado, per Mt 241. 714.

West ludtaffiolasses Ili. ad, to 13s. 04,