6 NOVEMBER 1869, Page 1


TE Queen visits the City in state to-day, to preside at the opening of Blackfriars Bridge and the Holborn Viaduct, pro- ceeding by Parliament Street, Westminster Bridge, York Road, Stamford Street, and Blackfriars Road, to the south side of the new bridge, and thence across the bridge and Farringdon Street to the viaduct. There are to be trumpeters, troops, and all the regular ceremonial, and such events being now very rare in Lon- don, the crowds will probably be enormous. A silly panic has been created by a rumour, based on some anonymous placard, that the Fenians intend to interrupt the procession ; but the Fenians are, like the Parisian Reds, most formid- able when their resolves are not announced. Her Majesty has more to fear from the weather than from the Irish, who, with all other Londoners, see in the Queen's visit a kindly recog- nition of a very considerable service done to the metropolis. The Common Council is really a most efficient Edile ; it can plan, as witness this viaduct, and can build, as witness Smithfield Market ; it deserves all the honour involved in a ceremonious visit of con- gratulation from the Sovereign. It is an odd mode of paying honour, perhaps, but, after all, symbolism is not dead, and, through the Queen, the whole kingdom thanks the City for a service well performed.