6 NOVEMBER 1886, Page 14

[To ma ItDrroa or TRE " BpscrArox."1

Sra,—Your article on " Clerical Incomes " in the issue of October 30th, did not overstate the fall in clerical net income., rather, it understated the fall. I have before me the official statement for this year of gross income and net income of a. living, not in one of the counties where clerical and agricultural values have shrunk most, and I enclose you a copy. Stated, briefly, and of course omitting the name of the parish, I fin& that the gross income for 1886 is £1,098, and the net income,. £564; and on turning to the most recent " Crooliford's Clerical Directory" attainable, that for 1883, we are told that the gross- income is £1,350, and the net income, £881. Put otherwise, the- public understands the living to be worth £1,350 per annum, and the rector knows that £564 is all that comes to him, and that half of that will go in charity, subscriptions, and repairs.—