6 NOVEMBER 1897, Page 10

In the Swing of the Sea. By J. Macdonald Oxley.

(J. Nisbet and Co.)—Ralph Newton having taken to the sea when his mother's death had removed the obstacle of her resistance, takes service in a South-Sea whaling ship. His experiences will hardly attract boyish readers to follow his example,—perhaps that is part of Mr. Oxley's kindly purpose. His chief aim, however, is one with which we greatly sympathise, to make his readers see the value of missionary work. "Thank Heaven, they've got a missionary here ! We're all right now," are the captain's words when, doubting to what sort of a place he has brought his ship, he is thus relieved of his fears. Various adventures await our hero when he has reached this haven, but we leave him safe and determined to devote his life to the good work.