6 NOVEMBER 1936, Page 36


Current Literature

By W. H. S. -Jones • - - • - lily this History of se: Catherine's College, Cambridge; beautifully produced by the Cambridge University Press (21s.), Dr. Jones will earn the gratitude of all lovers' of Cambridge and of " Cats " Men in particular, The descrip- tion of the foundation and of its devel- opment during four and a half centuries is a model- of clear arrangement ; and the growth of the buildings by the gradual annexation of land right and left is illustrated by a helpful series of sketch maps. Nor is human interest lacking in the account of the old Worthies who made the early history of the College. The original statutes did not contemplate the adniission of junior students. The foundation was to con- sist of a Master and ten fellows, who seem to have found ample leisure for the bitter personal feuds characteristic of collegiate life in 'its more sequestered days.* Undergraduates were admitted before the end of the sixteenth century. But it is only in Comparatively modern times that St. Catherine's established its present honoured position among the smaller Cambridge colleges ; and even then its growth was hampered by an unhappy episode. Dr. Jones's account of the election of Robinson as Master is clear and dispassionate, and should help to dispel some of the misunderstandings which persisted at the time and for many years afterwards. But there is no doubt that the scandal which grew up round this election was one of the causes of the stagnation prevailing throughout the long period of Robinson's mastership.