6 NOVEMBER 1953, Page 14


SIR,—The publication of Performing Flea will . have delighted those admirers of Mr. P. G. Wodehouse who never believed in the nonsense that was talked and written of him in 1941. It will also have induced a feeling of 'remorse in those who, misled by a venomous broadcast, helped to spread and perpetuate the lying stories. Is it too much to ask of officialdom that there should be a public retraction of the error made by the M.O.I. ? Lord Norwich and his advisers,

who were responsible for that broadcast, are liable to the accusation that, without verifying their information, they blackened the character of an innocent man. " Never explain; never apologise " is a good enough rule at times. I suggest that it would be a graceful act to make an exception in this case.—Yours faithfully,