6 NOVEMBER 1959, Page 21

Sta.—The major Tory victory was also, it seems, a major

victory for the Gallup Poll. But, however different the result, Dr. Durant would still have had ample material for claiming a spectacular triumph for his system. A small Tory majority was clearly forecast (Tory lead. of 1.5 per cent. on polling day); so was a Labour victory (Labour lead of I per cent. on 'inclinations); while a deadlock was foreseen with equal prescience and confidence ('neck and Peck' a few days before the poll).

Whether the penny comes down heads or tails, or on its edge, Dr. Durant can always be shown to have called correctly. This seems to be completely satisfactory to him, and completely ridiculous to nearly everybody else.—Yours faithfully,

ROBERT D. ACLAND The Hoppet, Sheering, Bishop's Stort ford, Herts.