6 NOVEMBER 1959, Page 32


Solution on Nov. 20 ACROSS 1 How different the play might have been if Cleopatra's baby had received this order! (7) 5 Forbid passion among the bal- loons (7) Artilleryman, one, is very prolific (7) 10 To quail, leaving no remainder (7) 11 Takes many a turn on board (7-3) 12 Goddess, give her a name (4) 13 An afterthought returns in the bath (3) 14 Such circumstances may soften the penalty (I I) 17 The Countess was not backward after praise (I I) 19 'There is divinity in — numbers' (Shakespeare) (3) 20 Make it short and sharp (4) 22 Phrygian building materials? (4-6) 26 The old musician makes the girl a bit uppish! (7) 27 How the beadle muttered! (7) 28 Can lads lend themselves to gossip? (7) 29 Sunbathers among Celtic heirs? (7) DOWN 1 What a range displeasure can have! (5) 2 The telly provides fitful gleam in a glass, what fun! (5, 4) 3 Mrs. Boniface, maybe, has a fishy look (7) 4 Pluck produces flavour (5) 5 The dandy from Rio? (6, 3) 6 'Shame and — wait for you' (Cowper) (4) 7 Seaman gets practice in revilement (5) 8 Parted as a result of Ted's anger? (9) 13 Wise men surrounding a wrecked boat get damages (9) entury Dictionary and a second prize of senders of the first two correct solutions No. 1062, 99 Gower St., London, WCI. is recommended for Crosswords. A first price of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth C a hook token for one guinea will be awarded to the opened on Nov. 17. Address solutions: Crossword Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary 15 Lost no 'air/ On the contrary! (9) 16 1 get a signal over a hundred wriggling eels (9) 18 Eastern transport by noon round the outer circle (7) 21 What do you call a lily when closed up? (5) 23 Came up on the underground for a start (5) 24 They are always in opposition (5) 25 It may well turn itself up (4) 9 13 17 20 26