6 NOVEMBER 1964, Page 13


SIR,—May I be allowed to comment on three of the points made by Professor Antony Flew in his review (Spectator, October 23, pages 548-9) of my sourcebook, Body and Mind?

1. No cross-references. The following is one of nearly one hundred entries in the analytical index:

MIND, CONCEPT OF: as non-extended sub- stance, of which the essence is thought, 14, 23-6, 44, 70, 148; as consciousness (as distinct from the object of consciousness), 237-8; as that the phenomena of which are characterised by intentionality, 13, 150-4; as that the phenomena of which are grasped by means of inner sense, 104, 151; as what is known directly (immediately, without inference, absolutely, by acquaintance), 151, 276-7, 281, 297, 331. 339; as what is private (that is, can be known directly by one mind only), 151, 215, 224, 241, 304, 331, 338, 357, 368. 433, 457; as the 'I' or meta- physical subject, 105-6, 403; as what is denoted by the term 'I,' 97; see also MINDS.

Does this not provide a useful form of cross- reference?

2. Only four and a half pages from Lenin's Materialism and Empirio-Criticism. I needed a short extract to illustrate the materialist reaction to the ideas of Avenarius (described in the preceding ex- tract from Ward's Naturalism and Agnosticism), and of Mach (extract) and Karl Pearson (extract). Four and a half pages was sufficient for my pur- pose. Materialism is more fully represented else- where (e.g. in J. J. C. Smart's article, 'Sensations and Brain Processes').

3. Neglect of the survival issue. I had been told (by Professor Paul Edwards) that Professor Flew was working on an anthology to be called Body, Mind and Death.

Professor Flew is right about the low ratio of editorial matter to extracts. This was not because I lacked ideas on the subject of the relation of body and mind, but because I chose to make the volume a sourcebook rather than a guidebook. My own ideas on the subject are coming out in a book. The Embodied Mind, to be published by Allen and Unwin next spring. 1 hope that Professor Flew will have the grace to review it in the Spectator under the heading 'Found, One Author.'


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