6 NOVEMBER 1964, Page 13


From Doin.Robert Petitpierre

SIR,—Some twenty years ago I had the privilege of hearing the City Treasurer of Birmingham define Politics as 'the care of community.' No better definition can, I think, be found. In the present days of confusion in political thinking we need to re- assess that thinking in terms of this definition. I would suggest that this ought to proceed along three Parallel but interrelated lines: I. The care of community as a caring for all forms of community, and a caring about them, Whether these forms are national or local, volun- tary or compulsory. Genuine politics should foster, encourage and practise personal caring for all these forms of community life, and for the folk involved In them: for these make up the nation.

2. Community is not created merely by fellow- feeling, but by economic and cultural inter-depen- dence. Effort is involved to construct and maintain It. For community life cannot evade mutual rights and responsibilities, enshrined in custom and law

which are both acknowledged and enforceable.

3. There is a 'grain' or structure in the universe, and therefore in human society. Right care for com- munity carries with it the responsibility to maintain community in line with, and not in opposition to, this directive structure. A community which is not based on justice, fidelity to contract, honest deal- ing, truthfulness of speech, unselfishness, and re- spect for the individual, is bound to work against this 'grain' and to end in self-destruction. This end is inevitable for any community which, whether from principle or policy, makes material prosperity an end in itself rather than a means to right living.

The various political parties seem eminently com- petent to devise policies: it is more important to re- discover and operate principles. Will it be possible to build up a team of people who would devote the next year or two to rethinking, reassessing and re- stating the fundamental principles which should guide the care of all types of community in Britain?


Nashdont Abbey, Burnham, Bucks.