6 OCTOBER 1838, Page 1


THE Registration in England proceeds as it began—favourably for the Tories, adversely for the Liberals. We look in vain for the record of Liberal gains in town or country. The party is dispirited; and their conduct gives the lie to the pretence that the absence of excitement among the friends of the Government proceeds from their being satisfied. If there is any truth in what the Morning Chronicle did not blush to assert, that while the Tories lost strength and credit, the triumphant Ministers esta- blished themselves, by their excellent management last session, more firmly than ever in the good opinion of tile country, how does it come to pass that effectual support to this popular Admi- nistration, in the Registration Courts, is wanting? But the Chronicle proclaims that the registration is disastrous to the Tories, and that the Whigs are triumphant I Its own columns, furnishing detailed accounts of the proceedings, exhibit the utter falsity of this assertion. The fact is, that even in the Metro- politan County it is faind impossible to raise the very moderate sum required to conduct the contest in the Revising Barristers' Courts on equal terms with the Tories. There are not five hun- dred man who will put down a pound each to supply the sinews of war. And with this lamentable state of public-spirit the Whigs pretend to be satisfied. Truly it is not difficult to please thorn. More of such satisfaction is in store.