6 OCTOBER 1838, Page 15

The Bishop of Durham presided at a dinner of the

British Asso- ciation, and took the opportunity of introducing to the notice of the company the claims of u lady, Mrs. Taylor, " a handsome woman, and well dressed too," as the Bishop naively expressed himself, who being the daughter of a mathematician, had cultivated science with success, and published a work on navigation, which he believed to be the best extant. The Bishop further said, he was exerting himself to procure from Government a pension for this lady, who now teaches navigation,- some of her pupils being old captains of sixty !

The importance of cheap bread to the nation, and the inhumanity of the Corn-laws' will be evident from the following result, ascertained from returns furnished by seven of the manufacturing districts of England.

1801 1804 1807 1810

£5 18 3 55,965

Wheat per qr. Deaths.

3 0 1 44,794

3 13 3 48,108

5 6 2 54,875 Murders in the Southern States of North America are numerous. Amongst the late outrages, a Mr. Moore drew a pistol and fired at Mr. Prentice, the editor of the Louisville Journal, in consequence of some attack that had appeared in his paper. The shot was returned ; but neither fire, fortunately, took effect. This occurred amongst a crowd of people at Harrodsburg, in Kentucky.