6 OCTOBER 1838, Page 7

If the present follies are continued in Newfoundland, it will

be mercy to the colony to suspend the functions of the House of Assembly until the angry passions shall have subsided, and reason shall have resumed her sway; the blessings of a local government will then be appreciated and enjoyed.—Globe. [Oh, by all means, suspend the constitution of Newfoundland ! it is an excellent plan for quelling dis- content in the Colonies, and every way worthy of the enlightened statesmen who rule them from Downing Street, distant three thousand miles !] A good deal of misrepresentation, proceeding no doubt from inte- rested rivalry, has lately been circulated respecting the new colony of South Australia. In contradiction of some of the statements alluded to, Colonel Torrens has addressed the following communication to Mr. Wheeler, manager of the South Australian Company : it appeared in the Times of Tuesday. •• south Australian ColoWzation Office, Atlelphi Terrace, September O. " Sir—I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th instant, inquiring, on behalf of the Directors of the South Australian Company, whether the Colonization Commissioners have received any information as to the allot- ment of the lands in the colony ; and whether the Commissioners have any reason to suppose that settlers now departing would experience any difficulty in locating on their sections ; and requesting the Commissioners to state particu- larly the measures adopted for meeting the demand fot land. " In reply, I have the satisfaction to acquaint you, that the Colonization Commissioners have received despatches from the Resident Commissioner, dated the 30th of March and 4th of April, stating that 130,0(X) acres had then been surveyed and were ready for selection ; and that the older of choke of the pre- liminary sections had been determined, and the 13th of May fixed for declaring the selection.

" With respect to the measures which have been adopted for meeting the de- mand fur land, I beg to state, that in January last the Commissioners increased the strength of the surveying staff and made other arrangements for accelerat- ing the progress of the surveyors, so as to keep them in advance of the increas- ing demand for laud.

" Under these circumstances, the Commissioners have no reason to suppose that settlers now proceeding to South Australia viuuld experience any difficulty in locating on their sections.

" In the reports which the Commissioners have received from their officers, it is stated on the authoiii of persons who have visited the colony, after a tesi- deuce in New South Wales and Van Dietnen's Land, that the district between Gulf St. Vincent, Lake Alexandrina, and the Murray, in which the surveys have been made, is the must fertile hitherto discoreted in New Holland ; and though no direct report has been received by the Commissioners respecting the quality of the lands to the eastward of Lake Alexandi ina, yet the tact that a drove of three hundred cattle passed fiont New South Wales to Adelaide with. out the loss of a single beast, is a satisfactory indication that along the exten- sive valley of the Murray fresh water and natural pasturage continue to be " I am, Sir, your obedient servant,

" ROBERT TORRENS, Chairman of the Commission." " E. J. Wheeler, Esq. Sse."