6 OCTOBER 1860, Page 13


I. The following is an Abstract of the gross Produce of the Revenue of the United Kingdom, in the undermentioned periods, ended September 30, 1860, compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.

QUARTERS ENDED 31st Dec. 31st March 30th June 30th Sept.

1859. 1E60. 1800. 1860.

Castoms Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals 0,223,000 0,550,618 5,732,777 5,088,000 5,360100 9,567,000 3,114,000 5,089.000 2,018,000 2,128,01G 2,066,212 2,053,810 1,921,000 313,000 1,351,000 166,060 938,000 6,002,010 1,089,816 2,281,000 830,060 91.3,000 823,0e0 600,000 83,000 ; 75,000 66,000 65,568 231,830 739,173 570,339 315,598

17,112,630 20,219,807 16,019,174 10,939,466

QUARTERS ENDED 31st Dec. 31st March 30th June 80th Sept.

1838. 1850. 1859. 1839.


£ £ 6,209,187 5,911,295 6,100,418 6,004,000 3,187,000 4,915,00 2,029,000 2,061,399 1,960,582 1,383,000 312,00 1,349,000 54,040 2,483,000 782,106 060,01.0 830,000 785,000 82 5:0 72,600 64,500 017,971 340,713 497,650

£ 6,576,066 5,599,00(1 1,937,0[ 0 146,0'0 1,874,000 780,000 61,979 339,931

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals 17.032.608 15,200.607 10,492,296 17,264,776 Lear ended 36th Sept.

1960. Year ended 30th Sept.


£ £

Customs 23,196,395 24,818,766 Excise 20,070,600 18,685,000 Stamps 8,267,258 7,967,981 Taxes 3,257,000. 3,190,000 Property Tax 10,369,816 5,686,106

Post office 3,370,010 3,253,060

Crown Lands 289,568 281,579 Miscellaneous 1,819,910 2,095,865 Total, 70 809,977 65,990,297

II. Increase and Decrease in the Quarter and Half-Year ended September 30, 1860, as compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals QUARTER ENDED September 30, 1860. HALF-YEAR ENDED September 30, 1860.

Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease.


116,000 20,000 407,000 10,000 3,589


668,566 4e0,400 24,333


- 223,660 25,003 713,710 60,400 6,089 48,356 £ 1,064,507 291,000

566,9,9 1,173,199 I 1,075,615

1,353,507 £605,610 £279,692 Net Decrease. Net Decrease.

Increase and Decrease in the Year ended September 30, 1860, as compared with the preceding year.

YE,L11. ENDED Sept. 30, 1839.

Increase. Decrease.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous £ £ 1,112,371 1,385,000 - 279,277 -- 67,000 - 1,023,710 - 115.00 - 7,909 -



6,477,976 1,618,296,

£4,019,660 Net Increase.

III. An Account showing the Revenue and other Receipts of the Quar- ter ended September 30, 1860 ; the Application of the same, and the Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the said Quarter, together with the Surplus or Deficiency upon such Charge.

Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter £ ended June 30,1660, viz.- Great Britain Ireland £639,611

Income received in the Quarter ended September 30, 1860,as shown in Account I. Amount received in the Quarter ended September 311, 1860, in repayment of

Advances for Public Works, .ke Net amount applied out of the Income for the Quarter ended September 30, 1860, in redemption of Exchequer Dills (Deficiency) for the Quarter ended September 30, 1860-viz. Total Deficiency • • £1,589,566 Deduct-Redeemed by Sinking Fund 396,000 Amount applied out of the Income to Supply Services, in the Quarter ended

September 30, 1860 Charge of the ConsoUdated Fund for the Quarter ended September 30, 1860, vie.-

Interest of the Permanent Debt £5,572,017 Terminable Debt 625,111 The Civil List 100,759 Other Charges on Consolidated Fund 489,113 Advances for Public Works, Se. 263,431 Sinking Fund 228,042 Surplus Balance in Ireland beyond the Charge of tho Consolidated Fund, in Ire- 7,280,473 land for the Quarter ended September 30, 1660, viz.- 205,900 £20,722,317 Balance, being the deficiency on September 30, 1866, upon the charge of the Con- solidated Fund in Great to meet the Dividends, and other charges payable in the Quarter to December 31, 1860, and for which Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) will be issued in that Quarter 3,073,016 20,722,317 639,611 16,658,166 352,324 17,650,301 1,193.566 12,012,378