6 OCTOBER 1900, Page 30


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Si,—In the Graphic of September 22nd there is a sketch entitled "Breaking up Captured Boer Rifles in the Fort" (Johannesburg). Can nothi.ng be done to prevent such destruction of good weapons? One of the difficulties, and not the least, in the formation of local rifle clubs throughout England, appears to be the providing such clubs with a suf- ficiency of rifles without a tax in the form of subseription which would place membership beyond the reach of the very class for whom sueh clubs would primarily be formed. Surely these Boer rifles, which have proved only too accurate and deadly weapons, might be saved and utilised for such local clubs ?—I am, Sir, &c., It. C. POLLOCK. Oatlands, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin.