6 OCTOBER 1906, Page 30


170 THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—A tradition on this subject may be worth recording, which I received from the late Mr. Teuton, of the Stationers' Company, whose memory went back into the early years of George 'V.'s reign. He told me that his father was a member of the congregation of Univenalists which met under Elhanan Winchester's ministry in a chapel in Parliament Court, Bishopsgate Street, in Wesley's lifetime. Being an acquaintance of Wesley's, this elder Teulon lent him a copy of Winchester's "Dialogues on Universal Restoration." When Wesley returned the book be expressed no disapproval of its doctrine, but only begged Teulon not to lend it to any very young persons.—I am, Sir, Sz.c., COURTNEY KENNY. Downing College, Cambridge.