6 OCTOBER 1906, Page 38

American Literary Masters. By Leon H. Vincent. (A. Constable and

Co. 88. 6d. net.)—Mr. Vincent gives us here appreciations, together with brief biographical notices, of a number of American writers. Washington Irving, born in 1783, comes first, Walt Whitman (1819) last. The chronological order is not strictly observed. It is enough to see how prolific of genius was the period of something less than half-a-century which intervened between Irving and Bayard Taylor. It is a striking fact that all the nineteen, with the exception of E. A. Poe, who died in October, 1849, were at work in the year 1850. It would not be easy to name as many English authors—taking literature only- Of equal reputation. A similar census made in 1900 in the United States would not have shown eq.r.al results. We shall not attempt to reconsider Mr. Vincent's criticisms. This is always an unprofitable task. They seem to be generally soberly appreciative Of the subjects with which they are concerned.