6 OCTOBER 1906, Page 38

Syllabus of British History. By C. H. K. Marten, M.A.

(Spottiswoode and Co. 6s.)—This volume includes four parts out of the ten in which it is proposed to complete the work. These four, VI.-IX., include the years 1485-1815. The plan is to devote I.-V. to the earlier history, and to add in X. the history from 1815 onwards. A summary of events is given, with illustra- tive passages from authors of repute. Every page has a blank facing it for notes. Altogether, this seems a convenient and helpful manual.—We may mention a somewhat similar volume which is designed to help the student in a different province of knowledge. This is A Practical Chemistry Note-Book for Matricula- tion and Army Candidates, by S. E. Brown, M.A. (Methuen and Co., is. Cd. net).