6 OCTOBER 1917, Page 2

Mr. Roosevelt last week revealed the iMsSr history of the

pitiful Venezuelan affair of Decenffier, 19114 when Getienany inveigled us into a joint naval expedition to obtain ottildection of various trifling claims against President Crietro. As We dttspeeted, and as we said at the time, Germany wanted to use us in order to weaken the Monroe Doctrine and to cover her attempt to secure South American territory. The combined squadrons bombarded Puerto Cabello, and then there was a lull, following which carte ad agred- went to refer the matter to arbitration. The- truth was, according . to Mr. Roosevelt, that he had asked the German Ambassador what Germany meant by her proposal to occupy Venezuela " tent- porarily," and told hint that he (the President) " did not propose to have any ninety-nineryear leases." Failing to obtain a reply, Mr. Roosevelt then said : "Tell your Government that it muat arbitrate the matter in ten days or I will:send AdmiraIDeWey dovro there."