6 OCTOBER 1923, Page 3

With this issue the Spectator begins its autumn programme. On

the political side the vital issue of the democratic principle in the Constitution will be kept before our readers. This week we have outlined. our policy. Next week the space which we have allotted, to a statement of " The Other Side " will be filled by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, the leader of His .Majesty's Opposition, who will call his article " The Purpose of an Opposition." In it he endeavours to show that a. vigilant minority in the House of Commons is necessary to the true working of democracy, The other great problem before the country is, of course,, unemploy- ment. Here the Spectator feels that it has something to offer towards the righting of this tragic wrong. We hope, in a forthcoming issue, probably that of October 13th, to lay before our readers a scheme, endorsed by the highest financial authority, for the systematic elimination of unemployment from our industrial system.