6 OCTOBER 1944, Page 21


fr4 Book Token for one guinea wdl be awarded to the sender of she first correct of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, 17th. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and rli■!! bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER, of the puzzle and a aid. stamp. 5riarams must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. , ..:Ion and the name of the winner will be published in the follo,ing issue.)

ACROSS 1. A capital means of making things take shape. (7, 2, 5.) 9. Gives sound results. (7.) to. Skating pigeons. (7.) ti. Met in the adventures of Sexton Blake. (5.) 12. The cycling bride had the means of warning the pedestrians. (5, 4.) 13. Bruin infested and finding it very irk- some. (7.) ;5. Prince of opera. (4.) ;9. The turn of the tide. (4.) :c. Pardon, as the broody hen said. (7.) 24. Aid in shop. (Anag.) (9.) 26. lee of a would-be thought-reader. (5.) 27. Declaimed. (7.) 28. One of them was lost in Browning. (7.) 29. Served by Sir Joseph' Porter, K.C.B. (14-)


I. Leave the favourite at uncle's.

2. Majors? (6.) 3. A mad aunt turns into an ant-eater.

4. "In the Rialto you have - me." (Shakespeare.) (5.) 5. Office rat. (Anse.) (9.) 6. Nearly all eyes. (6.) 7. Beer and cip. in cold storage. (8.) 8. One of thee stones took the light in Kipling. (7.) Lt. Appropriate instrument for the R.A.F. band? (9.) 16. Not de shortest ways home. (7.) 17. Drink that goes to one's head. (8.) x8. Is the stop press printed on this? (8.) 21. He has to 19. (6.) 22. Entangle. (6.) 23. Purifying herb. (6.)" 25. The mails want sorting. (5.)