6 OCTOBER 1950, Page 1


Beyond the Parallel ? •

On the east, coast of the peninsula, South Korean forces advancing on Wonsan are already deep in the territory of their enemies and their operations are being closely supported by United Nations air forces. On paper it may seem possible that an early and unconditional acceptance by the North Koreans of General MacArthur's ultimatum might halt the advance of the 8th Army and X Corps upon the 38th Parallel ; but in practice such a possibility is remote. To break off the pursuit of a defeated enemy is—as Hitler learnt at Dun- kirk—at all times imprudent ; and it seems both inevitable and right that a general advance into North Korea should take place. The danger that such a move might provoke intervention by Chinese Communist forces, or even by the Red Army, is remote in the extreme ; and it would be in- creased by leSting the South Koreans go on alone. Apart from considerations of strategy and politics, General Mac- Arthur must be powerfully influenced by his duty to ensure the safety of American prisoners of war in North Korean hands ; and their captors have only themselves to blame if fears—shared by the American public as a whole—for the fate of these unfortunate men increase the impetus of a north- ward movement.