6 OCTOBER 2001, Page 34

Not too much zeal

From Mr Peter Dunsmore Sir: It has been well observed that countries have no friends, only interests. Politicians would do well to remember this and rein in their effusive rhetoric in times of crisis. In the course of his article ('Why we must stick by America', 29 September) fain Duncan Smith draws on all the clichés of Anglo-American solidarity: 'our closest and staunchest ally', 'shoulder to shoulder' and so on. Before we get carried away, we might remember that the United States entered the first and second world wars somewhat belatedly, and for reasons other than rescuing Britain. She did not support us over Suez — quite rightly in my opinion. We should not now be drawn into committing our armed forces to harebrained adventures in Afghanistan.

Peter Dunsmore

London W I 1