6 SEPTEMBER 1834, Page 7

Donna Francisca, the wife of Don Carlos, died at Alverstoke

Rec- tory, near Gosport, on Thursday afternoon. The immediate cause of her death is variously stated. One account says it was the typhus fever; another, that leeches having been applied to her head, the wounds mortified, and occasioned death. The Standard says," Her complaint, we understand, was a bilious fever, aggravated by disquietude of mind, on account of the uncertain struggle in which her absent hus- band is engaged." She is represented to have been a woman of spirit and talent, as well as of an amiable disposition.

Prince and Princess Lies-en and family arrived on the 14th of August in the Russian capital, after narrowly escaping shipwreck. It appears that the Russian steam-vessel engaged to convey their Highnesses from Lubeck to Cronstadt. through the ignorance or inadvertance of the commander, got out of its course nearly thirty miles, and at nine o'clock at night struck on some rocks, the position of which is not mentioned. Signals of distress were fired during the night ; but no assistance was afforded till the following afternoon, when, after being on the rocks for twenty-four hours, the vessel was got off with some injury, and pro- ceeded on her voyage. The Prince's domestic establishment, consist- ing of twelve English and five foreign servants, had arrived previously in safety, in a sailing-vessel, from the Thames.

Mr. Villiers obtained a positive promise from M. Martinez de la Rosa last week, that Mr. Mitchell, the correspondent of the,Morning Herald, should be immediately set at liberty.