6 SEPTEMBER 1856, Page 10



The speculators in the English Funds have been selling Stock this week, to lessen their accounts preparatory to the settlement on the 10th instant ; the present complexion of affairs not offering sufficient inducement to an- ticipate an immediate rise. There has been consequently renewed dulness; and this was increased on Wednesday after the Royal British Bank had sus- pended payment. Consols were then done at 94f; they have since rallied, but wear an unsettled appearance • today they leave off at 9413. 5 for both Money and the Account. Bank Stock is and Exchequer Bills are ls. better.

Money has been in full demand at the Stock Exchange. At the Bank and discount-houses applications have been nunierons, partly to meet the payments on commercial bills due yesterday, being the 4th of the month.

There have been large arrivals of gold and specie, amounting to 793,0004 by the West Indian and American steamers, and 328,0001. from Australia : tliese amounts are likely to be sent to the Continent. The non-retention of remittances, and the recent diminution in the Bank bullion, have produced a salutary effect, in checking the formation of new corn .anies, of ?width Fo- reign schemes have lately been very numerous; 5,370 I I i /. was the sum pro- posed by projectors in July to be employed in this way ; in the past month. the amount hes decreased about one-half • but large BUMS have to be sent to Canada and the United States. The Indus took out a considerable amount of specie for India and China, namely, 835,4001, ; of this 808,600/, was silver. The French Funds have improved on the average about 1- per cent. The supply of money. on the Bourse being now abundant, the settlement has been arranged with ease,

The Corn-market has declined 6s.

In Foreign Stocks, the operations generally have been unimportant. Chili= and Danish Three per Cents have improved 1 ; Danish Five and Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, i ; Peruvian, ..t. Russian Five per Cents have fallen t.

The Shares in the Royal British Bank had been declining for some time past, from doubts regarding its position : the fall this week has been gradual --on Saturday they were done at 30, and upon the suspension of the Bank at 20; they have now beoome unsaleable. The shares in the other Joint- Stock Banks have been very little affected by this failure.

In Railways, a fair amount of business has been transacted, mostly by sellers. Some fluctuations have occurred. On Wednesday there was a de- cline ; and the heaviness continued until yesterday afternoon, when there was a favourable reaction, but not to the extent of the fail; and compared with last week the following depression is still shown—Midland 11.109. ; East Lancashire, London, Brighton, and South -Coast, and London and North-Western, 1/. ; Great Northern, Lancashire and Yorkshire, and Lon- don and South-Western, 108. In Foreign Shares, Paris and Lyons have declined ll. ; Great Western of Canada and Northern of France, 158.; Great Central. of France, 10s. ; Eastern of France, 58.


The English Funds continue quiet, and no alteration has yet occurred Consols for both Money and Account are 944 5. Exchequer Bills 1216 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 48,6491. In the Corn-market yesterday there was a further fall of 3s, In Foreign Stocks the prices are nominal, and there are no signs of activity. In Railways there is no new feature ; only four bargains have been recorded —Eastern Counties, 94; North British, 40} ; Portsmouth, 9 ; South Devon, iiik.

3 per Cent Consols.... ....... Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills............ India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 4; per Cents Chili= 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 941 5 94; 5 shut 934 ; .. shut

shut 1915 pm.

232 5 87 90 101 3

. 97 9

105 7 101 3 ex d

85 7

Dutch 2; per Cents. ...... ...

Ditto 4 per Cents

Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 4; per Cents...... 80 Ditto 3 'per Cents

Portuguese 4 per Cents Russian 5 per Cents ...... 108

Ditto 44 per Cents ..... Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents Turkish 6 per Cents

Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed

64; 5; 98 9 224 3 2 ex cl. 58 9 49 51 10 ex d. 98 100 444 54


85 8 103; 4 105; 4


At the half-yearly meeting of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Company, on Wednesday, at Manchester, allusion was made to the progressive improve- ment in its aftbirs. The passenger-receipts for the half-year showed an increase of nearly 14,4001. The report and accounts were agreed to. A dividend of 21.5s. for the half-year on the Ordinary Stoek, and proportion- ately on the Shares, will be paid.

The Edinburgh and Glasgow Company held their half-yearly meeting on i Tuesday, in Glasgow. The increase an the receipts compared with the same period Itust year haa been 11,4014. : this was attributed to a return, since March, to more reasonable fares between Edinburgh and Glasgow. The revenue account showed that 135,3414. had been received during the half- year, and 64,7534. expended in working the line ; after providing for in- terest, taxes, and rents, the net balance was 28,697/. The report was adopted, and a dividend declared of 2 per cent per annum on the Consolidated Stock, and 5 per cent on the Preference Shares.

In the report of the North British Company it is stated that the receipts on revenue account have amounted to 120991., the expenses to 62,0421. ; deducting payment of interest on loans, there is a balance of 36,7171. Add- ing the surplus at the 31st of January, and a sum which up to that period had been advanced by revenue to capital, the disposable sum is 51,8891. This will pay a dividend of 5 per cent on the Guaranteed Stock, and at the rate of 24 per cent per annum on the Ordinary Stock ; and leave 11181.

The last half-yearly dividend and bonus of the Belfast Banking Company Were equivalent to a distribution at the rate of 20 per cent per annum.

company TheBlisrmfingc /sacra Jouretcra/thalte:lithami that th,e, original analdhomlduecrst of sheceareseinkethepe Birmingham Banking Company now receive about forty-six per cent per

annum in the shape of bonus and dividend on the amount of their first out- lay'!

The Railway Passengers' Assurance Company have declared a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent per annum.

The success of the National Discount Company has led to the organiza- tion of a second undertaking of a similar character—the London Discount Company. The cadpital is to be 1,000,0001., with one-fourth paid-up. The

quite clear of any actual banking operations.

The British Steam Fisheries Company, with a capital of 10020001., is formed to develop the fishing resources of England by the apphcation of steam-power to the vessels employed.

The Scinde Railway Company have sent out by the Indus Mr. William Brunton and six assistant-engineers to survey the country between Mooltan, Lahore, and Uraritsir.

The number of steamers set free from the transport service by the peace is leading to the establishment of various mercantile lines : the first vessel of a new monthly service between London and the West Coast of Africa will set out on the 15th.

The Belgian steamer Belgique, which failed in her attempted voyage from Southampton to New York in January last, has been thoroughly repaired, altered, and strengthened at Southampton; the other ships of the company have also been overhauled ; and the'proposed line of steamers between Ant- werp and New York will be now recommenced. These iron ships were of Dutch and Belgic construction, and the builders in those countries seem in- experienced in the manipulation of iron for such purposes.

Two Liverpool firms, Messrs. M'Larty and Co., and Messrs. Lamont, itt‘Larty, and Co., have stopped payment. Their liabilities are nearly 100,000/. Losses by the Australian trade and onieteamers trading to Italy are named as causes of the suspension.

In July last, 40,190 tons of coals were exported from England to Ru.siia ; in July 1855 the total was 1514 tons.

The Melbourne and Hobson's Bay Railway Company, at a meeting in April last, declared a dividend at the rate of 8 per cent per annum.

All kinds of cereals and flour will not only be admitted to Spain duty-free till the let of June 1857, but vessels bringing them will be exempt from the customary shipping charges and dues.

CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday September 5, including season-ticket-holders, 58,783.