6 SEPTEMBER 1879, Page 3

Sir Wilfrid Lawson made a sharp speech in West Clamber ,

land on Thursday, full of jokes, and full also of bitter denun- ciations of the Ministry. The Tories, he said, complained of agitation in the Recess, evidently considering politics a thea- trical performance, in which there should be occasional inter- vals of ten minutes for refreshments. Re ridiculed Mr. Raikes for crying at Mr. Gladstone's intervention in Chester, and allowing that lie was as good a man as he thought himself, said it was the adhesion of good men which protected slavery and every other abuse. He denounced the Afghan war as the dishonourable consequence of the "peace with honour," aid held the invasion of Zululand to be a cowardly aggression. The Government had made Lord Chelmsford a G.C.B., but when Sir Bartle Prism came home, they would be puzzled what to do with him. He would suggest a Bishopric. Sir Wilfrid Lawson must hate the English Church even harder than he was thought to do. A bishopric for Sir Bartle Frere ! Why, he would pronounce the Ritualist clergy in his diocese an army of "celibate, floul-dedroying idolatore," regard Canon Liddon as Cetewayo and Mr. Mackonochie as Secoe,00ni, and institute prosecutions on the grandest scale, neither counting the costs nor forecasting the results. Even Parliament could not stop Sir Bartle, if a Bishop. He. would only pray in his Episcopal charges for an ignorant laity, which did not under- stand either Churches, or Destiny, or him.