6 SEPTEMBER 1913, Page 1


BULGARIA has taken the highly important decision to treat directly with Turkey. This means, of course, that she has abandoned all hope of immediate help from the Powers. Her troops are not in a condition to fight any more ; they are exhausted and without their previous moral ; and as she cannot prevent Turkey by force of arms from seizing and holding places west of the Maritza, she has reluctantly made up her mind to save what she can by peaceful means lest worse things befall. We must recognize now that Adrianople will be- kept by Turkey. We should think that the- former Allies of Bulgaria, who talked of a war of liberation, and of the fall of the- Crescent before the Cross, must feel, if they are open to remorse, that the punishment of Bulgaria ha4 been carried much too far, since what might- be called the- moral motive of the war has been largely stultified. Bulgaria will try to insist won the Maritza. line as the- new- Turco-Bulgarian frontier. There is also vague talk of a. Turco-Bulgarian alliance for securing the ultimate autonomy- of Macedonia, Russia and Austria-Hungary are watching events carefully, With the object of supporting Bulgaria as far as possible.