6 SEPTEMBER 1913, Page 24

Collision. By Bridget Maclagan. (Duckworth and Co. 6s.) —This is

an Anglo-Indian novel, treated on rather different lines from those usually taken by Anglo-Indian novelists. In the first place, the modern trick of giving no explanations and merely making allusions from which the reader is expected to pick up the story is carried to excess. Anyone not familiar with the Indian Empire will occasionally be not a little puzzled. Yet the story is decidedly original, and only just misses being very well handled. Moggie, the heroine, is an ultra-modern young woman, but she is rather attractive in spite of the extreme folly of her ways. Nothing, however, can be said in excuse of her conduct to her friend's husband, except that she does her best to put things right in the end, and is quite successful in her efforts.