6 SEPTEMBER 1919, Page 1


THE Peace Conference on Tuesday presented Austria with her Peace Treaty in its final shape. The Treaty laid before the Austrian delegates at St. Germain on June 2nd was a mere skeleton ; it was clothed with flesh in the document given to them on July 20th. The Allies have now reconsidered the terms, modifying the economic clauses, securing Austria a supply of zeal, and giving her the railway junction of Radkesburg formerly assigned to the Southern Slays. Austria is allowed five days within which she must accept the Treaty or resume the war. She will of course accept, all the more readily because she has been generously treated. The Allies in a covering letter have reminded the Austrian people that they cannot escape scot-free from the consequences of a war which they applauded when their Hapsburg rulers began it. The Germans of Austria and the Hungarians had oppressed their fellow-subjects of other races, and cannot complain if the Poles and Czechs, Southern Slays and Rumanians, now decline to have any further con- nexion with them. The Austrians should be thankful to retain their independence. In other days they would have been punished for their national crimes by passing under alien rule.