6 SEPTEMBER 1919, Page 1

The Allies have taken Germany sharply to task for a

patent violation of the Peace Treaty in regard to Austria. Article 80 of the Treaty provides that Germany shall acknowledge and respect the independence of Austria, and shall agree that Austrian independence is inalienable save with the consent of the League of Nations. Nevertheless Article 61 of the new German Con- stitution allows Austrian representatives to sit without voting in the German Imperial Council, in anticipation of the union of Austria with Germany. Obviously Austrian independence would be a mere fiction if Austrians sat regularly in the German Council. The Germans doubtless inserted the clause to test the vigilance and patience of the Allies. They have had their answer. Germany is allowed fifteen days within which to expunge the clause from her Constitution, failing which the Allies will occupy more territory east of the Rhine. The incident is not encouraging for the optimists who suppose that Germany is greatly changed by defeat.