6 SEPTEMBER 1924, Page 1


RUMOURS of a General Election before the end of the year are growing. Last week we mentioned that the local organizations of the Labour Party had been warned to be ready by December. Two particular dangers then clouded the Government's prospect—the rising chorus of protests against the anticipated effects of the Dawes scheme upon British industries and wages, and the growing opposition to the nebulous Russian Treaty. The tilt of the balance has changed a little in the last few days ; objections to the Dawes scheme raised by the wage-earners are less pressing now than the organized movement against the Russian Treaty. When Mr. Lloyd George passion- ately described the Treaty as a " fake " his Liberal colleagues were filled with misgivings at his impulsiveness. It is now clear, however, that in the absence of certain and confident leadership of the Liberal PartY the tactics implied in Mr. LioydGeorge's impromptu phrnse are to be accepted. The Liberal Party is arranging a grand attack upon the Russian -Treaty.- -